CV. Mitra Laser - Jual Fusion Splicer INNO View 3 | Garansi 1 Tahun
Tanggal Pasang Iklan: 05 Dec 2023
Iklan ini telah dilihat 259 kali
Tentang Iklan Ini
Lain-Lain - Elektronik
Provinsi Banten - Kota Tangerang Selatan
View 3, an active clad-alignment splicer with the world''' s highest fiber image magnification rate, is the most dependable fusion splicer in the market. View 3''' s 5 inch high-resolution color LCD touch screen with user-friendly intuitive GUI ( Graphic User Interface) offers large and clear fiber images to users. By double-tapping the screen, users can zoom in & out the image to the world''' s highest magnification of 520x. Moreover, the 3 LED lights provide bright splice condition to the users working under dark environments. View 3 is the new industry standard of active clad-alignment splicer in the telecommunications industry.
Untuk Pemesanan dan Informasi Harga Terbaik, Hubungi :
Roni Zayini
HP : 081274087466
Email : [email protected]
Jalan Inpres 18, Komplek Sabar Ganda No.11 Tangerang Selatan