CV. MItra Laser - Jual Pencil Hardness Tester Landtek HT6510P
Tanggal Pasang Iklan: 06 Dec 2023
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Lain-Lain - Elektronik
Provinsi Banten - Kota Tangerang Selatan
Hardness Tester dengan metode goresan pensil dari pabrikan Landtek
Biasa digunakan untuk mengukur kekerasan coating, cat dll
Coating hardness is the necessary measurement for the performance of coatings. This instrument applied the pencil scratch method. It is a fast and economical way to determine the film hardness using the drawing lead core or the pencil core. The pencil scratch method for coating hardness testing is a common method in the world since the 1980s. The instrument can be used both in laboratory, and on site.
Measurement Principle
The Pencil Hardness Tester applies mechanical measurement. Keep three point touch the coating (two wheel, a pencil core), and a 45 degree angle between pencil and test surface. Push the instrument sliding, pencil draws the corresponding track in the coating. In the change of different pencil marks, the hardness value of the film can be determined.
Load Weight: 1000g / 750g / 500g
Measurement Angle: 45° (Between Pencil and Measured Surface)
Three Touch Points: Two Wheels, a pencil core
Scratch Speed: About 1 mm/s
Standard Accessories
1. Pencil Hardness Tester
2. 1000g, 750g, 500g Weight
4. Pencils (6B-6H)
5. Eraser
6. Knife
7. Horizontal Pad Block
8. Sandpaper
GB/T 6739-96 Coating Hardness Pencil Test Method
ASTM D3363-00 Standard Test Method for Determination of Coating Hardness by Pencil Test Method
GB/T 1727-92 General Method for Preparing Film
Untuk Info ketersedian barang hubungi :
Roni Zayini
M : 081274087466
Jl.Inpres 18, Komplek Sabar Ganda No.11 Kel.Larangan Selatan, Kec. Larangan, Kota Tangerang 15154